Monday, March 18, 2013

Striking All the Right Notes...

For the past few weeks Jake and I have been excitedly (and anxiously) awaiting the release of our Vows article for the Sunday New York Times. It was really wonderful to have something to anticipate and look forward to after the wedding.

On Friday "Striking All the Right Notes" hit virtual news stands with the online edition. What a thrill!

But as incredible as it was to see it on my Mac, there is just something so much more magical about seeing it in print; actually, holding it in your hands. On Sunday with a hot mug of coffee in one hand, I began flipping through the paper looking for the article. As each page turned, I passed the faces of political giants, celebrities, fashion icons and then... boom little old me and my new hubby! In the New York Times. How did this happen again? I'm still so honored that they picked us. I will show this article to my children and my grandbabies one day and say "Look! Look at your {imagine awesome grandma name} and Papa Jake! Weren't we something else?!"

For now, I get a thrill showing coffee baristas. "Isn't that nice!" They say and then "Here's your latte ma'am." (<- now that I'm married all of a sudden I've become ma'am?!)

All our love and thanks once again to Anna Jane Grossman for writing such a witty, touching and very much Kate and Jake-centric article and to Tina Feinberg for capturing our Old New York romantic elevator dip! 

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